We’ve been working with you for a few years now. We’ve always experienced professional service, quick turnaround and willingness to meet all our requirements. Thank you for your easy-going and helpful operation.
Ahmed AlQotb,
Arabischer Sprachprofi, Schauspiel- und Castingdirektor, Gründer und Stratege von THE ARABIC VOICE, Inc., ArabicIVR.com und El Hakawaaty Bildungszentrum, die Stimme von:
Apple Customer Support IVR-System im Nahen Osten
Western Union telefonischer Support
IVR-System im Nahen Osten
Interne Schulungs-E-Learning-Systeme der Intercontinental Hotel Group
Interpol e-learning curriculum produced for the International IP Crime Investigators College
Audioinformationen an Bord von BMW
“Shadow of the TombRaider” Game, main villain character: “Dr.Dominguez”
Google Adwords Customer Support IVR-System im Nahen Osten
Der Arabische Audioguide des Olympischen Museums