Voice-Age: Middle-age male voice
Experience: 6 years
Specialization: Premier Male Voice
Ragab is one of the most prominent Bass voices, whose voice has the original essence of Arabian milieu with pure sense of Classical/Standard Arabic language which was widely performed and recommended by GCC-based agencies, institutions and corporates, Ragab was known for his role-acting as Jonah, in “Shadow of the Tomb Raider” game back in 2018, along with several other narrative and commercial projects produced by THE ARABIC VOICE studios.
Ragab is one of the most prominent Bass voices, whose voice has the original essence of Arabian milieu with pure sense of Classical/Standard Arabic language
Ragab was known for his role-acting as Jonah, in “Shadow of the Tomb Raider” game back in 2018, along with several other narrative and commercial projects produced by THE ARABIC VOICE studios.
Ragab is the founder of RagabVoice™ which is a member of THE ARABIC VOICE commonwealth of voices, and a compliant supplier with our corporate values and global code of conduct