Native voice actors Native voice actors

We at THE ARABIC VOICE™ deliver your word in high recording quality, with native Arabic voice talents speaking in pure standard Arabic.

Voice-over & ADR Recording Voice-over & ADR Recording

High quality studio recording of voice over, ADR, character-acting and dubbing in modern standard Arabic and local accents

Editing and Mastering Editing and Mastering

Edit, time-synchronize, or split an Arabic recorded track.

Translation and Time coding Translation and Time coding

Hand-tailored exclusive English to Arabic translation, confers your project a genuine Arabian essence in wording and culture.

Arabization: {Dublaja}Arabization: {Dublaja}

One-stop solution to localize large-scale e-learning, video game or IVR projects, providing you with translation, script optimization, time or lip-synced acting, and final dubbed/subtitled videos in Arabic

Voice Catalog

Featured Voices

 THE ARABIC VOICE™ uniquely offers a prominent diversity of hand-picked native male, female and child voices, each has outstanding voice acting skills along
with peerless linguistic capabilities.

Dolby Cinema
Tomb Raider
Bavarian Government

We at THE ARABIC VOICE™, are dedicated to the promise of being a cultural gateway to 300 million Arabic speakers, and the bridge to a deeply-rooted civilization in the middle of modern world.

  • Native team of Arabic voice actors
    In front of each Microphone, THE ARABIC VOICE™ uniquely offers a prominent diversity of hand-picked native male, female and child voices
  • Full-stack Post Production Services
    We understand that our client is not supposed to have a background of Arabic language, therefore, we are keen to deliver our recordings at the highest level of quality.
  • Acting Direction
    We have a team of specialized Art and Linguistic Directors, who provide live inline direction to the Voice Actor through each session.
  • Standard and accented Arabic
    Providing true and unique cultural localization represented in voice and dubbing productions for global brands, institutions, and governments.
  • High-end recording equipment
    Not only Providing high-end professional voice-over services but also our recording studios are equipped with the best High-end recording equipment.
  • Casting Direction
    Our team of Voice Actors, are a set of handpicked native Arabic speakers who are highly skilled performers, and seasoned linguists

Most Recent

What we use

Studio Equipment

  • Neumann TLM-series Condenser Microphones
  • Audio Interface: Digidesign 003 Rack, and NI Komplete Audio
  • Yamaha 7″ studio monitor speakers
  • Avid Pro Tools and Adobe Audition DAW
  • FinalCut ProX for Video editing and subtitling
  • AudioTechnica ATX50 Headphones
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