Web Surfing

Google Analytics as a market intelligence tool to explore world markets and potential business opportunities

Ahmed AlQotb

Having your own website is a pivotal step on the way to establish your own brand, and set your position on the Voiceover market plateau. A well-developed and fair-designed website is a key factor to present a powerful image of your business profile, pitch and demonstrate your services to your potential clients.

Website analytical tools are the key element to explore detect market activities, and explore potential opportunities

Once this step has been undertaken, the key element to explore detect market activities, and explore potential opportunities is using a powerful web analytical tool to harvest web surfing details of users accessing your website from all over the world. Some of the most prominent and commonly used Web Analytical tools are: Google Analytics, Yahoo Analytics, Crazy Egg, and a lot more others, some of which are free to use (like Google Analytics) and some others require paid monthly subscriptions.

You’ll know how far your website has reached to potential markets and clients

Web Analytical tools usually requires you to paste a piece of code inside the header tag <head> of your website, which can be easily done through the content management system (backend) of your site, or just download the main Index file (index.php) using your FTP client, edit it, then upload it back in the same location on your host server, you can also easily ask a freelance developer or a friend with a good technical background a to do it for you.

Once this code is embedded into your website pages, the web analytical tool you’re using will start tracking the user activities on your website, which is going to hit you with a batch of extremely valuable intelligence information that provide you with wide and deep insights on your market, and other potential markets around the world.

Mobile web browsing
you will know that you’ll have to make sure your site is working cross-platform

Analytical tools provide you with user activity details like:

  • Demographics: You’ll have a good background about age and gender structures of your website users
  • Interests, you will know their interests, whether they are interested in shopping, entertainment, food and dinging etc..
  • Geographical outreach: Language structure, Countries, a vital classification and intelligence tool, by which you can have an exposure of your current and potential markets, which regions in the world, or which states in your country, where your website is gaining most user hits, and page views, how much of them are new, or returning users.
  • Last and not least, and the most critical and exposing aspect is technological details, which provide you priceless information on: Traffic sources (Browsers, Search Engines, etc..), Devices (Desktop, Mobile, etc.) you will even be able to know which mobile device types did your users used to browse your site: Apple, Samsung, etc.. Technological details like these are critical for your website optimization and user experience design, for instance, when you realize that a significant majority of your users are browsing the site from their mobile devices, you will know that you’ll have to make sure your site is working cross-platform, and resolution responsive, so all details, demo-reels and images are clear and accessible to all potential customers.

The conclusion is: Getting detailed information on where your website is being visited and which pages are being browsed, what kind of users are interested in your services, reached through search engines, or indirectly via social media, is a key factor in strategic decision making, setting reasonable marketing goals and define your position in world markets.


Ahmed AlQotb

Arabic voice professional, Acting and Casting Director, Founder and Strategist of THE ARABIC VOICE, Inc., ArabicIVR.com and El Hakawaaty educational hub, the voice of:

Apple Customer Support IVR system in the Middle East
Western Union Customer Support IVR system in the Middle East
Intercontinental Hotel Group internal training e-learning systems
Interpol e-learning curriculum produced for the International IP Crime Investigators College
BMW on-board audio instructions
“Shadow of the TombRaider” Game, main villain character: “Dr.Dominguez”
Google Adwords Customer Support IVR system in the Middle East
The Olympic Museum Arabic audio guide

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